How To Improve a Slipping In Boxing?

How To Improve a Slipping In Boxing?

Do you want to improve your boxing skills & perfectly slip any punches? Look no further! In this blog post, we'll explore some partner boxing combinations to help you become a pro at slipping punches.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced boxer looking to up your game, these techniques will give you the edge over your opponents. Get ready to improve your slipping skills and dominate in the ring!


The art of slipping punches, or dodging attacks, is one of the most important and fundamental skills to learn in order to understand what boxing is all about: hitting without getting hit.


A slip at its most basic is a dodging motion that allows you to avoid a punch while still being able to deliver sharp, damaging punches in return. The tool is useful for both defending on the back foot and aggressively pressuring your opponent if they're trying to keep you at bay. It’s a smooth and subtle movement that can leave an opponent’s punches sailing past, leaving them open to counter attacks.

Slips require speed, agility, and balance. The key is to slip just enough to avoid the punch but not so much that you move out of position to counter. 

Slip is a calculated move that are usually used in the ring but can still be learned and applied while working partner boxing drills.

We've got three partner boxing drills that are sure to take your game to the next level. Check out this video with our Boxing Coach Elchibek Niyozmamadov. 

Coach Elchibek Niyozmamadov

BLEGEND GYM Muay Thai & Boxing Gym In Dubai Marina | Muay Thai classes for everyone from beginners to advanced fighters.


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